Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Balance - part 2

I think the hard thing about being a mom is there's really not a good measure of how you're doing. Some mornings I bask in the snuggles of an infant, dance around the room with a toddler, play soccer with a first grader, and read a good book with a third grader.

Then there are the days the infant cries all day and I don't know why, the toddler screams because she wanted peanut butter on her bread instead of cream cheese, the first grader forgets his reading book for the tenth time, and the third grade has an attitude because you asked him to tie his shoe. 

More often my day is sweet snuggling in the morning with the attitude in the afternoon, or the morning completely frazzled by the little ones and an afternoon of two boys helping me without being asked. The balance of the two keeps me motivated like I'm doing okay, but then humbled like maybe I'm screwing things up, which in turn is motivating. And then I say a prayer. Ha.

And now for some obligatory snow pictures. I was hoping for one more snow and I got it, for about 3 hours. We had pancakes, played outside, and by 1pm the sun was out and it was spring again.

I hope your week is going well! It is absolutely freezing here and our best friends are coming over to play this afternoon.

1 comment :

  1. ha I love the house pics of the morning and afternoon, funny! I have half the number of kids you do and still understand the struggle. Mine is between my either sweet, hilarious or sassy, tantrum throwing tot and my sometimes still like a sweet little baby, sometimes a screaming teething/hangry little man who can't communicate and how to best serve everyone's needs without feeling like I'm going crazy. ha You're doing great!!
