Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Traditions

I can't believe tomorrow is Thanksgiving! I'm so excited the boys are off from school today. In fact, I picked up N early yesterday because I couldn't wait. He had 3 whole hours to play outside with T and a buddy down the street. It was completely worth it. 

We have a few traditions around this holiday, starting with the day before Thanksgiving. Each year on the eve of turkey day, we go see Santa at the mall. I was ready to drop this tradition because we see Santa at church too (a much better Santa, real beard and all, plus they have an awesome photographer there), but Chris isn't so we're off to the mall. 
mall Santa 
 church santa

The boys will pick a nutcracker to add to the collection.

This is N's nutcracker face

We'll also read Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving. It's super cute. 

Our must do's on turkey day include watching the parade and Charlie Brown. Eating the "feast" obviously. And this year the boys are really excited about the wishbone. 

This will be my first year being a vegetarian at Thanksgiving (technically I was 8 years ago but it only lasted about three months). I honestly don't think I'll miss the turkey, and maybe I'll have a extra slice of pie instead. 

Are you shopping Black Friday? Or I guess Thanksgiving since the stores open Thursday now? I think I'll sit this one out, or operate from the computer! 

Happy Turkey Day!!


  1. Love the nutcracker tradition! My two are still terrified of Santa - wondering if we will ever actually get a sitting on the lap picture! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Love these traditions, especially the nutcracker one! I will be doing all of my Black Friday shopping from the comfort of my couch! Online is the way to go!

  3. I love these traditions! I never really thought about having Thanksgiving traditions, but I like these! The nutcrackers are awesome. And both those Santas are really legit looking!

  4. I love the nutcracker tradition. My parents always put a nutcracker on each stair - and I wondered how you'd build up to that. What a great idea!
