Monday, May 8, 2017

Weekend Review

Yesterday this sweet baby turned 5 months old. She is the easiest going baby and just so sweet and social. Her one issue is she hates to sleep alone. This girl loves being with people. She sat through five hours of baseball games Saturday, even with some rain, and never complained. She took a bottle and went to sleep with our sitter Wednesday night, something that never happened when KC was her age. She's just an all around easy baby (and I hate that she's getting so big so fast). And KC is by far her favorite person right now. She will follow her with her eyes where ever she goes and KC is the only one who has gotten a laugh out of Katherine so far.

Speaking of baseball games, N pitched for the second time ever. It was a little rough to watch, but he's wanted to pitch since his first game and it finally happened.

This guy lost a tooth after his game Saturday. I may have yelled multiple times for him to get his hand out of his mouth on the field. His tooth was so wiggly for a few days and then at dinner Saturday night it went missing!

Last Wednesday my friend and I took our kiddos to pick strawberries. We had the farm to ourselves and enjoyed a wagon ride to meet the animals at the barn. All the kids loved the baby cows, Penny and Queen Charlotte. Even yesterday I was explaining to neighbors who KC was talking about when she mentioned them. They were able to feed them, and the goats, which was a real thrill. 

Wednesday night N had a baseball game. We tried once to take all the kids to a 6:30 game and it ended up with me watching from the car with the kids going nuts. So this time, we asked our sitter to come watch the other kids. It was amazing to sit and actually watch the game. Chris is usually in the dugout so it was just me on the bleachers cheering my boy on. The team played so well (and lost), but we took our big guy out for a treat afterwards and then headed home to a quiet house full of sleeping children. N has two more midweek night games and while it was pricey ($60, phew) we may do it again!

Last week also included a couple dentist appointments, a first grade concert, mother/son night at the elementary school, and watching a friend's flag football game. I'm ready for a low key week! I hope your Monday is going well - we're all still in jammies!


  1. Love that the girls are such buds these days! So sweet! And I dread when we have to start sitting at games and fields for half our lives- I'm embracing these non kid activity years big time. haha

  2. Your kiddos are adorable! Would love a day of strawberry pickin'!!!!

    McKenzie, Somethin' Southern
