Monday, January 6, 2014

New Year's Resolutions

Phew - long break! Happy New Year! I'm hoping to be blogging a bit more, but we will see how that goes (I admire those bloggers that wake at 5:30am to blog, wow).

I thought I'd start the year off by sharing some resolutions I have for my boys. I talked with N about making a resolution and he came up with "try more new foods." We went through a whole list of options before he offered this one up, I'm sure "eat more dessert" was in there as well and was of course nixed.

For me, I have a few resolutions for the boys in the next year as well.

1. Eat/Try veggies and lunch and dinner. I want to get them in the habit of expecting veggies to be part of their meals. We do it for dinner nightly already and I'm working on stepping up my lunchtime game.

2. Learn to ride a bike without training wheels. This is mainly for N but I wouldn't put it past T to attempt this one as well. I will never buy another bike with training wheels again - it will most definitely be balance bikes from here on out.

3. Stick with piano. Again for N, I'd like to see him stick with piano for the entire year. While he loathes practice, he enjoys when he can actually play a song (He loved learning Christmas songs this winter).

4. Practicing "school-work" with T. This is something I did with N, and probably a little before it's time. T is at a point where he is very interested in letters and numbers and I feel like I should be encouraging it quite a bit more than I am (which technically isn't more than teaching him how to spell his name).

I hope everyone has had a great start to the new year! I can't believe it is already January.

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