Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday Finds: Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is a week away! We don't usually give the boys anything big, but we like to have a little something (and a sweet note) waiting for them when they come down in the morning (and occasionally we go out for a doughnut breakfast). In the past it has usually been something from the $1 bin at Target or stickers. This year N is receiving a book and I have no clue what T may find. Here's a few picks if you need some ideas:

1. Paper-Source Scratch and Sniff Stickers - I LOVED scratch and sniff stickers when I was little. My boys love the ones they get at Trader Joes, so I can only imagine how much they'd love a pack of them (and how many they would end up wearing to school that day). These are out of stock online, but I'm guessing Paper Source has them in store.

2. mini heart clips - Glittery hearts for your hair (and I love the colors). 

3. Lip Smacker - Lip Balm is a huge deal in our house (we label the tops with initials to avoid confusion). I can only imagine how popular these flavors would be (and how many reminders I'd need to give not to eat it). 

4. Drinking Glasses - These are a go-to for gifts for us (and popular in our house as well). I do think they are a bit of a pain to clean, but they are awesome fun when they're on. The only thing is it takes a lot of sucking to get the liquid to your mouth, but hopefully seeing it circling your eyes is motivation to keep going.

5. Junie B Jones and the Mushy Gushy Valentine - This will be N's Valentine's surprise. I know I've said how much he loves Junie B, so I'm sure this will be finished by Saturday morning. T may be receiving an Elephant and Piggie Book - possibly this one.

I hope everyone has a great weekend! We have a completely free weekend which seems a little unheard of, but I'm excited. 

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