Thursday, February 13, 2014

Snow Day Activities

The snow started Tuesday morning and hasn't stopped. It didn't really accumulate yesterday, but it was packing it in today (we shoveled the driveway three times, hoping we don't get stuck for a week like the last time we had an usual amount of snow). 
 Since N still had school Tuesday, T and I created a bear cave to watch the snow fall. He wanted to play Copy Cub from the book Copy Me Copy Cub and this worked out perfectly. 
 We first wrapped the dining room table in twinkle lights (every bear cave needs twinkle lights), then through two duvet inserts on top. Finally we filled it with stuffed animals, blankets and pillows and watched the snow fall (we left an opening right in front of the windows).

 N was released two hours early and once he was home it was time to play.

 We've had the Olympics on and the boys decided to make their own version of the luge. This was the first attempt. Notice T went for the roll instead of the slide.
 The second attempt went much better (ironically we also have a big orange sled that isn't daddy).

 Today we had about 6 inches of snow, so we made some snow cream after hours upon hours of playing.

 We also "painted" the snow with water bottles filled with water dyed with food coloring. Please ignore the dead mum (maybe it will come back).
 And this is what our yard looked like before the last sled run of the night. I'm thinking some winter gear may be Chris' next Christmas gift, the green and orange comes out every snow day. The boys spent some more time in the bear cave before bedtime and went to bed talking about what they'd do in the snow tomorrow. 

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